My Bouquet

My bouquet will be similar to this, but with darker purple flowers on the outsides. Its going to be made with mini white calla lilies. I found a really reasonable florist on Craigslist and I can't believe the deal we are getting!

$242 for everything!
My calla lily bouquet, Tom's calla lily bout, 5 rose bridesmaid bouquets, 2 rose corsages for our mothers, the cymbidium orchid stems for the centerpieces and roses for the cakes.

My Dress - Maggie Sottero JD8103

Finding my dress was a bit of a nightmare. I found the dress online and called every bridal store in the tri-state area but no one carried the dress. Disappointed, I decided that maybe I could order it online, but since I still had enough time, I wouldn't rush it.

In August, I went to try on dresses and see if any other dress would be as nice as this one was in my head. I tried on a lot of Maggie Sottero dresses and really like the Zuri dress but it was just too expensive for our budget.

Finally, in August 09, I found a bridal shop that could order the dress for me. They didn't have it in stock, but I could try on similar dresses to see what it would look like on me. Which is what I did, and then I ordered the dress.

Honestly, I'm not 100% happy with my dress. I don't think it fits the way it should (as you can see from the picture) but the shop keeps telling me that once they raise the straps it will pull the dress up and not be so over exposed. I guess we'll just have to see.


I really love my shoes. I knew from the beginning that I didn't want to have the traditional white shoes. I figured I could have picked purple or green since they are our wedding colors, but once i saw these shoes online, I knew I had to get them in hot pink.

They are from which is a division of Payless. There are 60 colors that you can choose from and I chose the fuschia color. They were $44.99 and arrived about a week after I ordered them.

They fit great and are exactly the same color as in the picture.

My Jewelry

The first piece of jewelry I bought was the bracelet. I found it at Icing by Claire's for $12. It's what they call Haute inspired. Whatever that means!

I found the necklace on a separate brooch on ebay. I still need to attach the brooch to the necklace but it looks very similar to the one thats in the picture.

I found the earrings at for $6!


I found this hairstyle on and fell in love with it. I wanted something half up and simple and this just works really well. It looks like the hairstyle is held just by bobby pins, so hopefully my hair will be okay with that.


I found this clutch online and knew that I really wanted it, even though I might not actually carry it around at all. Regardless, it was $16 and I know that I can resell it.

Rehearsal Dinner Dress

I'm currently deciding between these two dresses for my rehearsal dinner dress. They are both eyelet dresses but the first one has a burnout look on the bottom half of the dress and the second one is eyelet all over. I've order both dresses from JC Penney and I'm waiting on them to get here to decide which one I want/which one looks better.

Rehearsal Dinner Shoes

These shoes are also from I almost like them better than my shoes for the wedding because they have some sparkle to them, but the heel is shorter than I wanted. So I figured they would be perfect as rehearsal dinner shoes and something that I could definitely wear again. I love the color!